Monday, September 1, 2008


I am a new guy in the swiflet farming industries. My english is not very good , so, if my spellling is wrong, then please do not laught a me. HA HA.! !!!!!

I start to write this blog because i wish to know a lot of swiflets farming in the world so that we can keep in touch. And besides that wish to express my feeling about swiflet farming.

I am from Kedah Malaysia. Own X BH at this area but all is JV ( Joint Ventured ). However, not all of my BH is very sucess , few of them only got not more then xx pcs of bird nest about 2 year.

I already joint a lot of seminar and one of them is the Pak Hen one that already done at Pontianak. We go there together with our SWIFLETS BLOG STAR MR HARRY.

So , i wish to share my Experience with all of you.

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